I am very glad the sun is finally coming out these days. Since we moved in our house last October and just before Winter, we really did not get a chance yet to fully enjoy it. We had to wait and see how the plants and trees would develop in Springtime. I must say, there's a lot of green in it and next month we will do some small adjustments : for instance, the bamboo must go ! I really don't like the sight of it. We asked for some help and professional gardener Dao gave us some great tips. The bamboo will be replaced by a domestic grape. They grow real fast so the result will be quickly visible. We'd like a bit more privacy after the "neighbour glued with hands and nose to the window checking me out in my bathroom"-incident.
So with some help of Dao and his wooden construction the domestic grape will be guided along and cover up our garden from some curious peeping Toms.
Yesterday we also bought 2 garden storage tables. We will construct them on Sunday and display our finest herbs, plants and flowers. I'm really getting into the green fingers thing. I find it quite relaxing and it's still amazes me what nature is all about. Seeing something grow makes me feel like a 5 year old again.
Silly but if it makes me happy and relax ... why not, right ?
So, once the garden is prepped for Summer, I'd like to send a picture to a garden magazine. They did an appeal to photograph your favorite place in your garden. Might as well do this, so I can share my little joy with other readers and garden lovers.
OK. I won't.